Nearby Suburbs Bentley Park Gordonvale Mt Sheridan Edmonton lies in cane country between the Davies Creek and Grey Peaks National Parks. Located approximately 10 minutes from Cairns CBD. It is an established area, with a large population of approximately 11,000 residents. Edmonton has a mixture of land uses and activities, including residential, commercial, and recreational. The area has a number of recreation areas, sports grounds and shopping precincts. The suburb has pockets of very high quality housing combined with lower-income accommodation. • Library • Community Centre • A range of recreational and sporting Facilities, including Sugar world Gardens and Fun Park, Edmonton Bowls Club, Fuller Park, Ravizza Park, Pregno Park and Down Park Community Hall. • Number of medical practitioners in Edmonton including a pathology lab • IGA supermarket in Edmonton as well as a number of specialty stores and hotels. • Community kindergarten and a number of ABC Learning Centres and other child care providers. • Three primary schools, including a Catholic primary school. • Public Transport