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Thinking of Selling? Prepare your home with these easy steps
2 months ago
Thinking of Selling? Prepare your home with these easy steps




Selling your home can be a daunting task, but with the right strategies, we can make the process a lot smoother and more efficient for you. Whether you’re a seasoned seller or a first-timer, here are 20 tips from “Cairns Leading Real Estate” that will help you through the journey of selling your property quickly and easily and achieving the best result possible for you.

1. First impressions are always the lasting one

First impressions certainly can make all the difference to a property. A well-maintained exterior and entrance creates an instant positive impact on almost all potential buyers.

2. Create an Inviting Entrance

By simply adding a welcoming doormat to your front entrance or a beautifully scented candle will make a huge difference as we have found in the many years of selling Real Estate.

3. Improve the garden and outdoor living areas

A good tidy-up of your gardens and outside areas around your property may just be all you need. Cut back overgrown trees, hedges, bushes and foliage, clear up dead leaves, fronds, get rid of weeds and any dead plants in the gardens, clean any paths and driveways and add some nice fresh mulch that makes a huge difference to a property. 

4. Declutter and Depersonalise

A huge negative to any potential buyer is a property that is over-furnished or heavily cluttered. Try removing any personal items, excessive furniture, and most importantly do your best to declutter if you can.  Without argument an open, clean, neutral space allows  potentials buyers the ability to visualize themselves and their own personal items in your property.

5. Deep Clean Your Home

There is nothing better than showing potential buyers through a property that has been thoroughly cleaned. This includes both exterior and Interior. Here’s a quick list of areas to ensure are clean and tidy before placing the property for sale. Kitchen (Including appliances), bathrooms, Laundry, bedrooms, floor coverings, walls if they are marked as well as outside entertaining areas. Remove pet equipment, Pressure wash house, roof, driveways and surrounding paths as this can make all the difference to a potential buyer.

6. Clean and Organize Garage

Although the garage is generally overlooked buy a seller and when it comes to selling their property, it’s really important to at least organize the area as best as you possibly can. A buyer will look to see the potential of storage as well as if they are able to fit their vehicle/vehicles in and how safely.

7. Storage is always a huge bonus to any property

As we all know storage is usually the last and an area that is normally overlooked. Having good storage options and solutions whether they are located in bedrooms, living spaces, outside garden sheds or even in your garage. Nine times out of 10 a buyer will ask to look at what storage areas the property has. So, creating or organising these areas before you place your property on the market can be a bonus to a potential buyer and in the end selling your home.

8. Working from home is becoming more popular

With more people working from home these days, creating or highlighting a dedicated home office space can be a huge appeal to a potential buyer. We have seen even adding or creating a small study nook to a property has attracted a lot more buyers attention.

9. Add a Fresh Coat of Paint

A simple coat of paint not only rejuvenates your home but also enhances the entire appeal and presentation of any property. This without question will attract more buyers and will certainly boost any properties value and in the end what a seller is looking for achieving the highest possible price for their property.

10. Choose a Neutral Colour Palette

If you do opt to paint your property try using a more neutral colour or even just white to broaden buyer appeal. You can always add colour to a room with some nice decorations such as pictures, plants or cushions. Repaint vibrant walls or remove wallpaper will help to modernise the area and will create a more open, light and more spacious feeling. This will in turn attract a larger buyers audience for sure.

11. Accentuate Renovations

Before deciding to place your property on the market, consider some important renovation that will have a massive impact to any property, most importantly to those potential buyers you are trying to attract. By replacing or updating a kitchens, a bathroom, an ensuite or even the floor coverings throughout your home can significantly increase for homes value and will give you a far better end result you are hoping for.

12. Take Care of those Quick Repairs

Addressing those essential repairs around the property that you may have be putting off or avoiding will not only give a potential buyer the confidence your home has been well-maintained, but could eliminate heart acre when a potential buyer engages a building contractor to look over the home and then finds issues that could have been avoided if addressed before selling.  

13. Invest in Energy-Efficient Upgrades

As we swing more and more into energy-efficient properties, potential purchasers are looking more favourably to properties that have been upgraded than a property that has not. Upgrades or installing any of these energy efficient items are not only attracting a larger portion of potential buyers, but they are certainly willing to pay more for that particular property. A huge win for a seller in the end.

14. Window coverings

If possible remove heavy, outdated worn curtains. Consider installing new fresh and light window coverings throughout your property. This is going to give your property much more natural light into the area as you possibly can. Window coverings are generally overlooked but do have a huge impact on any room and to any home. A potential buyer will take notice of the window dressings, the amount of light coming into the room as well the aesthetics of the curtains to a room, let me assure you.

15. Invest in Smart Home Features

Consider adding smart home technology for added convenience and modern appeal. This is now attracting our younger generation of potential buyers thriving on technology in their day to day lives.

16. Highlight Unique Features

Emphasise the unique aspects of your home. Whether it’s a beautiful view, a spacious backyard, side access or a custom-built feature, showcasing these features will set your property apart from the others you will be competing against on the market.

17. Stage Your Home

Consider professional staging your property to showcase your home’s potential, especially if you have moved out and the home is vacant. As we all know a vacant property can present very cold and uninviting. By nicely staging your home can provide potential buyers what best suits a particular space/area or better still, the correct décor for a property. In our experience a staged property often sells faster as they create a visually appealing and inviting atmosphere. Or if this is out of your budget, we know have digital staging. Although this doesn’t help with buyers inspections or open homes, it will give you a far better online presence as well as a much greater impact on the sales web sites.

18. Professional Photography

We highly recommend professional photos these days. High-quality images attract more attention online, increasing the chances of those potential buyers clicking on your listing and then wishing to inspect your property.

19. Choosing the Right Real Estate Agent

With a combined 75 years in the real estate industry, you can be assured you would be working with the best of the best to achieve the result most other agents only wish for. Backed up by our extensive industry knowledge, some of the most innovative digital marketing available to us, an office and team that have always lead by our results and most importantly extensive our knowledge of both the Cairns region and the ever changing property market.

20. Most importantly setting the right price

I’d like a dollar for every time I have heard a seller say.. I’m in no hurry to sell, so I want to put my property on the market at $$... Now that’s all very well and good in an upward market, although 98% of the time the property sits on the market and the listing goes stale and you have one unhappy seller. Or you have an eager inexperienced agent who tells a seller an inflated price for their property and wonders why the property isn’t selling. Mmmm well let me tell you honestly, over pricing or getting your price incorrect can be detrimental to any owner. Cairns leading Real Estate will guide you in achieving the result you are wishing for, and other agents can only hope for.


We hope these few sellers tips are super helpful to you in achieving what you are hoping and expecting to achieve for your property. Obviously we don’t expect you to rush out and do all of these suggestions, that’s not what we have compiled these tips for. We have been compiled the list from our many years of assisting our valued clients in selling their property.

We love exceeding our clints expectations and achieving the highest possible price for your property. And some of these tips will help to do this !!!